
All he wants for Christmas is his two front teeth!

I've always thought that Ty looks just like he did when he was a baby, just a bigger version!  So, now, with his two front teeth (and two bottom teeth) missing I can't help, but be overwhelmed with remembrance every time he looks at me with that toothless grin. So, although Ty wants his two front teeth for Christmas (among a million other things), I am in no rush!



December Fourteenth

Tree decorated. Gingerbread house built. Lights twinkling. Stockings hung. Letters to Santa sent. Christmas Cards ordered. And, shopping done.  Unemployment has its advantages!  :)


Following in Daddy's Footsteps

Both boys played soccer this fall and had a blast! Although the schedule was somewhat grueling for their loyal fans, every Saturday they had a full house at both games. We couldn't tell you how many wins or losses each racked up, but the fact that they looked forward to each and every game tells us that this was the first of many soccer seasons to come!


Little Drummer Boy

Wil has been asking for a drum set for sometime now. So, while visiting Uncle Nicky a few weeks ago he asked for an impromptu drum lesson. Nicky is a talented, second-generation drummer (my Dad, of course, is the first) and Wil knew it would be time well spent! He had a blast beating the heck out of his uncle's electric drums and it was bearable for all of us since his headphones we're firmly in place!

Dad, just a warning: Wil knows you have an acoustic drum set in the basement and he's gunning for it upon our next visit!

Who knows, maybe we have a third-generation drummer on our hands!


It's as easy as tying your shoes!

Not sure who came up with that saying, but it's really not all that easy when you think about it ... especially at five years old! But with a lesson or two from Grandma and Grandpa Fulton, Wil had it down pat! Since Wil moves at his own pace his new skill set has slowed our morning routine down considerably, but the look of pride on his face upon completion is well worth the extra time we devote to carefully aligned, double-knotted sneakers each morning.


The Connor Card

Meet Ty and Wil's cousin Connor. Do not be fooled by his sweet face or innocent demeanor. This 8 year old from North Carolina is the most powerful weapon in mine and John's parenting arsenal. More influential than Santa Claus, the threat of a 2 hour time out or even a monetary bribe, Connor holds the key to getting our boys to do almost anything.

If they don't want to wear something we've picked out for them, we simply say "Did you know that Connor wore this shirt when he was in first grade?" Arms up, shirt on!

Or, if they don't want to go to soccer practice, we say, "Did you know that practice is how Connor became such a good soccer player?"  Cleats on and we're out the door!

We call it playing the Connor card. It's slightly manipulative and it may not work forever, but for now we are using our nephew for everything he's got!

Thank you, Connor!


Happy Halloween!

30 minutes, 29 houses, 2 buckets full of candy and 2 happy little boys! (Wil's a "Skeleton-Clown" ... his own creation!)


Apple Picking 2010

At 4 years old the best part of apple picking was the apples. At 5 it was the hayride. And apparently, at 6, it's all about climbing the trees. While the significance of our traditions endure year after year, it's the evolving curiosity of our children that keeps things interesting!

She's a beauty, Ty!


"Time for school, Wil!"

As I was tucking Wil in the night before his first day of school, he said, "Mommy, I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and have you say time for school, Wil!"  Since the moment he could speak, Wil's been talking about starting school. He couldn't wait to pick out his backpack, carefully choose his school supplies, step inside the bus, sit at his very own desk, raise his hand and do his homework for the first time. Part of his anticipation was of course because of his overwhelming desire to do anything and everything that Ty does first, but mostly it's because Wil was born to be a student.

Although I had tears in my eyes as the driver took him away in that big yellow bus, knowing that this is all he has ever wanted eased my mind. Unlike John, I was not a born student—I struggled every step of the way. I'm so thankful that Wil is more like Daddy than he is like Mommy. His innate love of learning and his inquisitive nature will make his school career a whole lot easier and most assuredly more enjoyable.

John and I are excited not only for how Wil's natural curiosity will unfold in the classroom, but more so in how it will unwrap the beauty and mystery of life.

Millions saw the apple fall, but only Newton asked why.  ~Bernard Baruch


Ty's LOST Lost Tooth

Wouldn't you know that after all those weeks of waiting for that first tooth to fall out, we lost it! I mean it literally disappeared! It happened on Daddy's watch while in the Hamptons with Becky and her family. After many devastated tears, Daddy made a nice recovery by placing a note to the Tooth Fairy ("The Rock" as he's known in our house) under Ty's pillow that night explaining the situation. The Rock couldn't have been more understanding. He left five bucks and Ty was thrilled! You'd think that with such a terrific payout, he'd be willing to relinquish the 3 other teeth that are currently holding on by a thread, but no such luck. In fact, I think he's fully committed to eating out of the side of his mouth for the rest of the year.


How was your summer?

If Ty and Wil are asked what they did this summer upon returning to school, the teachers better have time to spare! It was by far our most active, fun summer to date with 3 vacations (Outer Banks, Hamptons and Point Pleasant), 6 weeks of camp, 2 amusement parks and several visits to the zoo, aqaurium and big city. Between Daddy's flexible schedule and mommy being unemployed at the moment, the boys enjoyed many afternoons by the pool, weekends at the lake, movie nights and countless cookouts. We are thankful that everyone remained healthy and safe during the hot, busy days of summer and have already begun to plan how we will top it next summer!


Puddle Jumpers

I can't remember the conversation exactly, but I remember the 4 of us—Traci, Adele, Christine and myself—sitting around discussing the virtues of motherhood and the kind of childhood we hoped to provide for our children. I believe it was Traci who spoke of how she wanted her children to be able to jump in a mud puddle and not be thinking in the back of her mind about the inevitable laundry or baths that would later ensue. Somewhere along the line, mud puddles became symbolic of a happy childhood between us 4 new moms. Soon after, we began calling ourselves the "Puddle Jumpers".  We didn't have tee shirts made or anything, but whenever one of us would propose a time and place for the next play date, the subject of that email would always be: Puddle Jumpers.

One of the best kept secrets of modern day moms is that we often get more out of play dates than our kids do! They are a chance to be with other moms who share the joys and sorrows of mothering perfect children in an imperfect world! We can vent without judgment, brag without guilt and laugh till we cry—all in the safety of friends who seem much more like sisters.

The above photo of our Puddle Jumpers was snapped by Traci (our resident photographer) at a play date early this summer.  Although none of us moms is in the picture, hopefully you can see our love reflected in the eyes of our children.


The Little Man Turns FIVE!

Birthdays come and go, but every few years or so one comes along that makes us sit up and take notice. For me, the 5th birthday of Wil—the baby of our family—is one of particular significance. It marks the end of an era—not only for him, but for us as his family. And, although it's sad to officially wave good-bye to his baby and toddler-hood, it's amazing to watch him grow into an opinionated, interested, active participant in his own life.

Someone once told me that whichever age your child is at at that moment will be your favorite age; and Wil at age five is no exception! Wil has a heart of gold and I'm not saying that just because I'm his Mom! Ask anyone! The only thing that gets Wil in a bad mood is an itchy tag in his tee shirt or a faulty seam in his sock. Other than that, Wil is an even-tempered, inquisitive, joyful little boy. His big blue eyes brighten the face of anyone who looks his way and his generous heart is something to behold. He is patient, focused and discerning to a fault. 

However, Wil's most endearing quality at age five is his ability to recollect a moment in time with exceptional and uncanny detail.  Although it can take hours for him to find just the right words (i.e. "It hurt just medium, Dad.") to explain the situation, you can be sure this kid tells it like it is! Hopefully, Wil's necessity for precision will serve him (and the rest of the world) well if his desire to become a "welder man" (a.k.a. weatherman) comes to fruition.

Happy birthday, little man!  We love you!

[Click here to see Wil's Invitation.]


As Different As Day and Night!

Ty likes peanutbutter, Wil likes jelly. Ty likes chocolate, Wil likes hard candy. Ty likes Phineas & Ferb, Wil likes Dora & Diego. Ty likes his pizza hot, Wil likes it cold. Ty moves at the speed of light, Wil is more like mollasses in the winter. You get the idea!  Sometimes it seems they disagree just for the sake of argument, but there is no denying that our little men are very different from one another. So, when I occasionally see a glaring similarity, I love to stop for a moment and breath it in.

When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life. 



Ty's Military Party!

This may be my all-time favorite photo of Ty! It was taken by my dear friend Traci Meyer at his 6th birthday party held on Sunday, February 14th at the Military Museum in Danbury, Connecticut. Looking into Ty's almond shaped, brown speckled eyes I can almost see his beautiful little soul shining through. Oh, how I love this boy!

At six years old, Ty continues to amaze me and John. From his unusual observations about life, death and everything in between to his ability to put on a one man show, Ty keeps us captivated—and often entertained!  Since starting kindergarten in the fall, Ty has made wonderful strides.  His confidence has grown in leaps and bounds and he has a thirst for knowledge like never before.  He is reading (or at least attempting to read) everything in sight!  I suppose we owe much of that to Mr. Kedzielawa, Ty's beloved kindergarten teacher.  Currently, Ty wants to be a part time construction worker, fireman and police chief when he grows up.  Sounds like a busy schedule, but if anyone can do it, I'm certain he can!  As long as he makes time to come home and visit mommy and daddy, we'll support him in anything he wants to do!

To see the invitation click here.  


"What special gift did God give me, Mommy?"

One afternoon, Ty and I began discussing the prominent dimple on his left cheek.  He asked, "Why doesn't everyone have a dimple like me?  I explained that God gives each of us something that makes us special—unique from everyone else.  Just then Wil popped into the bathroom and asked, "What special gift did God give me, Mommy?"  I thought to myself, YOU, Wil—are the gift, but I knew he was looking for something he could see or touch. So, I pointed to the freckles across his nose and explained that God had placed each one there with his own hand.  His face lit up as he peered into the mirror, examining each and every brown dot. As my sons stood there, tracing their faces with their fingers, I looked at them and smiled.  My gifts from God sweetly smiled back. 


Ty & Wil's Possy!

What a great group of kids Ty and Wil have the opportunity to be friends with! This is a photo from a random Tuesday this past summer. John is the closest thing to a Kool-aid Dad as you can get.  He lives for moments when all the neighborhood kids gather in his front yard.  He blasts the music, inflates the bouncy house and a party is born.  (Of course, John would be upset if I didn't call your attention to the grass. Plush, isn't it?)

Looking forward to summer 2010!


Kindergarten—Learning to Let Go!


Dear Ty,

Today you began kindergarten.  As I watched your little legs hesitantly reach up for that first step of your big, yellow school bus, I was hit with a gamut of emotion.  I knew this rite of passage for you—and milestone for all who love you—would be difficult, but it hit me harder than expected.  All at once I realized that you were on your way; that those little wings we'd been clipping and grooming for you over the past five years were about to flutter on their own for the very first time.  As daddy and I, your grandparents and your preschool teachers stood on the sidewalk—waving good-bye; cheering you on; crying all the while—I knew this bittersweet moment marked the end of your babyhood and the begining of you going out into the big, bad world.

Yes, I knew you'd be back in my arms in three short hours, but between the moment I let go of your hand until the time you plunged back into my arms, it was as if our hearts beat as one. I could think of nothing but you.  What were you doing...thinking...saying?  Were you scared...nervous...hungry?  Did your teacher realize that you were without a doubt the most amazing kid he'd ever have the privilege of teaching?  Were the other kids being nice?  Did someone show you where the bathroom was?  My "mother bear" was on high-alert, but alas I let my "cub" roam freely about the forest. 

Knowing that today is only the first of many days that I'll have to let you go, shakes me to my core, but such is the point of parenting.  As your mother, it is my job to raise you, then release you—into a world that I will never think is good enough for you.

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." [Elizabeth Stone]

So, since I can not shield you from every difficult experience or unkind person, let me remind you that mommy and daddy will always be your soft place to land.  Always.  Whether it's kindergarten or college, mischief or misdemeanor, love lost or love found—we will be waiting for you with open arms and open minds.  

I love you, Ty.  Set the world on fire with your passion.  Be strong.  Dream big.  Love deep.  Have faith.  Never Settle.  Be happy.  YOU, my little man, ARE amazing!





In Search of Riley

Since Riley's death earlier this summer, the question I'm most often asked is "How is Jake?" And since June, my answer has been, "He's still looking for him." Jake would spend the better part of every night in search of Riley. Upstairs, downstairs, inside, outside...it was exhausting for those of us letting him in and out—especially at 3:00 in the morning, but we obliged because we understood his pain. His loss was our loss. Only difference was that we couldn't explain to Jake where Riley had gone. Why his brother had suddenly disappeared from his world. So, this morning when Jake passed somewhat unexpectedly, our only solace was in thinking that perhaps he finally understood where Riley had gone; because he was there too and they were together again.

As most of you know, Jake suffered from a heart tumor. We knew he wouldn't live the duration of his years, but losing him just two months after Riley has been extremely difficult. Jake had a baby face, so it was hard to think of him as old. To us, he always looked like a puppy and acted like one too. And, after recently dropping 30 pounds, he seemed to be at the top of his game. Unfortunately, this weekend his breathing became labored and his kidneys began to shut down. At 4 A.M. the situation seemed dire, so John rushed him to the emergency animal clinic in Poughkeepsie. While they were running tests, John left for a bit to shower and regroup. At 7 A.M. they called to say that Jake had less than an hour and we should return. We grabbed the kids and made it there just in time to see Jake take his last breaths.

We have spent the day reminiscing about bringing Jake home in December of 2001 and all that happened after. We laughed about how Riley started out entirely offended by this rambunctious brindle puppy and ended up being his best friend and protector. How, the boys used Jake as a stool to sit on while they colored at the coffee table. How, Jake would greet us at the top of steps every single day with a gift. The gift was anything he could find on the fly (i.e. water bottle, tennis ball, matchbox car, dirty sock, etc.) that would fit in his mouth. He'd follow you around with that day's gift until you gratefully took it out of his mouth. We recalled how listening to Jake breathe from across the room was as comforting as a lullaby.

It's hard to believe that we are a dogless family for the first time in 10 years! No dog beds to trip over, no slobber on the walls, no fur balls under the beds, no half-eaten treats underfoot...the house has never felt emptier.

Goodnight, Riley & Jake. We are hopeful that you are lying side by side in heaven tonight. Our home and hearts will never be the same. Sleep well and know that we love you always!



A Day Trip to the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in NYC!