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The Connor Card

Meet Ty and Wil's cousin Connor. Do not be fooled by his sweet face or innocent demeanor. This 8 year old from North Carolina is the most powerful weapon in mine and John's parenting arsenal. More influential than Santa Claus, the threat of a 2 hour time out or even a monetary bribe, Connor holds the key to getting our boys to do almost anything.

If they don't want to wear something we've picked out for them, we simply say "Did you know that Connor wore this shirt when he was in first grade?" Arms up, shirt on!

Or, if they don't want to go to soccer practice, we say, "Did you know that practice is how Connor became such a good soccer player?"  Cleats on and we're out the door!

We call it playing the Connor card. It's slightly manipulative and it may not work forever, but for now we are using our nephew for everything he's got!

Thank you, Connor!

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