

A sunrise yoga class with Aunt Sam. I can't imagine a better way to start a day in the Outer Banks.



I honor that place in you where the whole Universe resides. And when I am in that place in me and you are in that place in you, there is only one of us.


I'm Losing Count

After a very long wait, Wil's baby teeth are now falling out in droves! His front two, in just the last two weeks and now another one has begun to wiggle.  He loves sticking his tongue in the gap and looking in the mirror to see how his smile has changed.  I love that he looks a little younger, but I certainly won't tell him that!


This smile brought to you by Becky.


Summers at Lake Zoar

Ty and Wil with best pals Ella and Jack, Summer 2012.

I love when the boys ask "Are we going to do this again this year?" It usually means a tradition has been born—something they look forward to as the next season approaches. Certainly, the Outer Banks is one of those traditions and as of this year, I think we can add Lake Zoar to the list of summer favorites. 

Brooks' lake house is a little boys' paradise of rope swings, fishing, canoes, jet skiis and water sports. Brooks has opened his home and his heart to my children, my family and my friends since we first began dating.  Everyone including the kids love spending time on beautiful Lake Zoar because of all it has to offer, but mostly because of the wonderful vibe at the lake. This is no doubt a product of Brooks laidback approach to life in general. Of all the things I adore about Brooks, his ability to live in the moment is by far my favorite thing about him. I have much to learn on that topic, but I am willing and able!  Hopefully, I'll have many more summers at the lake to complete my education.


Immersed in the love of God!

The older I get the more I find that I am open and even reliant on God's timing in my life.  This past weekend was a perfect example of this as we had Ty and Wil baptized at ages seven and eight.  After many conversations with Pastor Holbrook, it became evident to both John and I that baptism at any age is about recognizing the call of grace in our lives. 

The service of celebration that took place in the Fishkill Creek at Hopewell Reformed Church was both powerful and simple.  God's love was all around us as the boys took their baptismal vows; and we along with our church family committed to spiritually nurture and raise them in the Christian faith.  It was clear as we stood side-by-side in the shallow water that this is what God had intended all along. 

We are so grateful to be a part of such a healthy and spirited church and to have the opportunity to raise our sons in this faithful community.  God bless!


Rub-a-dub-dub, three boys in a tub!

And they said it wouldn't last! I received a lot of friendly warnings from well-meaning folks before adopting Shilo, but I felt strongly that my boys would thrive with a dog in the house. Well, a year and a half later, I am pleased to report, that Shilo has become an indispensable part of our family! My boys spend hours every day playing with and happily taking care of our amazing and spirited bulldog! I am proud to say, that my seemingly endless requests to feed, groom and walk Shilo are never met with groans or rolled-eyes. Shilo receives kisses when the boys leave for school each day and it's like "Christmas morning" when they are reunited each evening. Adopting Shilo has been an extremely rewarding experience. I am grateful for the many blessings in my life.


Father's Day 2012


Best. Mother's Day. Ever.

While I've enjoyed the privilege of celebrating Mother's Day the last 7 years—year 8 takes the cake! Not because of the gifts I received (although those were great, too), but because of the fact that this year the gifts came from the boys' hearts. I was adorned with handwritten poems, accolades and drawings that made me feel like I must be doing something right. Although I gushed with every little envelope and package I opened that day, later that night I sat quietly and reread every word and studied the pictures. I was humbled by their love.

Someone told me when we we were expecting our first boy that daughters love their moms, but that sons are in love with their moms. After today, I believe I understand that concept.

A photo of me and Wil at the Mother's Day Tea Party given by his class.


7 years later these baby blues still melt my heart ...


An oldie, but goodie!

There are more than five of them these days and the ones that are here are much bigger now, but I couldn't resist posting this oldie, but goodie!


In the blink of an eye! 


Superbowl, Superkid!


Look who FINALLY lost his tooth!

Proud as a peacock!


A Birthday Party for Shilo!

Tonight we celebrated Shilo's first birthday complete with cake and party hats! His actual birthday was on the 29th of October, but with the unexpected snow storm we had to put it off for a few days.  The kids are fairly certain that Shilo won't know the difference because he doesn't know how to read a calendar or do math just yet.  I love my boys, the furry one included.  


"Merry" Halloween 2011

Halloween 2011: A lot of snow, a Yankee, a Power Ranger, a Clone Trooper and 2 moms who made
"Hi, I'm your new neighbor!" into a comedy routine.  You had to be there.  :)


The Masterpiece I Longed to Paint...

The boys returned home today from the Outer Banks. After a week apart, I actually had butterflies in my stomach when I saw them again! I couldn't take my eyes off of either one of their little faces for the rest of the afternoon. After a few hours, Ty smiled at me and insisted, "Why do you keep looking at me that way?"

I laughed and said: "You'll understand someday when you have children."

Ty: "That's too far away, tell me now."

Me: "You are just so beautiful. Like art." 

Ty: "Maybe you should take a picture of me then."

So I did.

 You are the poem I dreamed of writing.

The masterpiece I longed to paint.

You are the shining star I reached for

In my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled.

You are my child. Now with all things I am blessed.

-Author Unknown


From coy to confident in 10 short months!


Introducing Shilo!

We are proud to introduce you to our newest addition to the family, Shilo Hiccup Fulton! Shilo is a 3 month old, male, English Bulldog. He came to us from a wonderful breeder in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania who we found through the MidAtlantic Bulldog Rescue. Not that it matters to us, but apparently Shilo's dad is a "Best-in-Breed" Show Dog, so la-dee-dah! As impressive as that is, what mostly matters is that his parents are strong, thriving purebred bullies; which means that Shilo's got a great chance of living a long, healthy life himself. It was love at first sight for all of us and we look forward to making many happy memories with our new addition! Thanks to Peter, Traci, Brendan & Kyra, my fairy Godchild, for being Shilo's first visitors! And, for Traci bringing her camera! I love my talented friends!  Traci Meyer Photography


When I am right and the time is right—God will provide.

Apparently, THAT time is now! I received an offer of employment from Danbury Hospital yesterday & I'm so grateful! Despite the challenges associated with being unemployed, being given the opportunity to truly consider the blessings in my life has been an immeasurable gift. And, nothing can compare to the joy of spending 7-months of boundless time & energy with my boys! Thanks to the friends and family who supported me during this humbling, faith-filled journey. What a ride it's been!


Now I lay me down to sleep..

Listening to our children pray is one of the great gifts of parenting. Tonight they asked God to give mommy a new job ... at Toys R Us. My precious, prayerful, faith-filled boys!