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Kindergarten—Learning to Let Go!


Dear Ty,

Today you began kindergarten.  As I watched your little legs hesitantly reach up for that first step of your big, yellow school bus, I was hit with a gamut of emotion.  I knew this rite of passage for you—and milestone for all who love you—would be difficult, but it hit me harder than expected.  All at once I realized that you were on your way; that those little wings we'd been clipping and grooming for you over the past five years were about to flutter on their own for the very first time.  As daddy and I, your grandparents and your preschool teachers stood on the sidewalk—waving good-bye; cheering you on; crying all the while—I knew this bittersweet moment marked the end of your babyhood and the begining of you going out into the big, bad world.

Yes, I knew you'd be back in my arms in three short hours, but between the moment I let go of your hand until the time you plunged back into my arms, it was as if our hearts beat as one. I could think of nothing but you.  What were you doing...thinking...saying?  Were you scared...nervous...hungry?  Did your teacher realize that you were without a doubt the most amazing kid he'd ever have the privilege of teaching?  Were the other kids being nice?  Did someone show you where the bathroom was?  My "mother bear" was on high-alert, but alas I let my "cub" roam freely about the forest. 

Knowing that today is only the first of many days that I'll have to let you go, shakes me to my core, but such is the point of parenting.  As your mother, it is my job to raise you, then release you—into a world that I will never think is good enough for you.

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." [Elizabeth Stone]

So, since I can not shield you from every difficult experience or unkind person, let me remind you that mommy and daddy will always be your soft place to land.  Always.  Whether it's kindergarten or college, mischief or misdemeanor, love lost or love found—we will be waiting for you with open arms and open minds.  

I love you, Ty.  Set the world on fire with your passion.  Be strong.  Dream big.  Love deep.  Have faith.  Never Settle.  Be happy.  YOU, my little man, ARE amazing!




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Reader Comments (7)

omg ... bawling my eyes out right now. go ty! :)

September 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertraci

You are inspirational!

September 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPeter

That was truly touching, Ang. I can't believe he's off to school already!

Congrats, Ty. Love you!

September 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJamie Pags

Ty, through tear filled eyes, I read this beautiful letter to you. I knew this day was coming, thank God for these moments that jerk at your heart and are held as memories forever.


September 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMema

angela you are wonderful and i know my decesion was perfect i love you and those boys and i miss you guys more then youll ever know

December 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramy

angela you are wonderful and i know my decesion was perfect i love you and those boys and i miss you guys more then youll ever know

December 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramy

angela you are wonderful and i know my decesion was perfect i love you and those boys and i miss you guys more then youll ever know

December 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramy

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