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Ty's Military Party!

This may be my all-time favorite photo of Ty! It was taken by my dear friend Traci Meyer at his 6th birthday party held on Sunday, February 14th at the Military Museum in Danbury, Connecticut. Looking into Ty's almond shaped, brown speckled eyes I can almost see his beautiful little soul shining through. Oh, how I love this boy!

At six years old, Ty continues to amaze me and John. From his unusual observations about life, death and everything in between to his ability to put on a one man show, Ty keeps us captivated—and often entertained!  Since starting kindergarten in the fall, Ty has made wonderful strides.  His confidence has grown in leaps and bounds and he has a thirst for knowledge like never before.  He is reading (or at least attempting to read) everything in sight!  I suppose we owe much of that to Mr. Kedzielawa, Ty's beloved kindergarten teacher.  Currently, Ty wants to be a part time construction worker, fireman and police chief when he grows up.  Sounds like a busy schedule, but if anyone can do it, I'm certain he can!  As long as he makes time to come home and visit mommy and daddy, we'll support him in anything he wants to do!

To see the invitation click here.  

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Reader Comments (1)

this looks like is a smart kid

July 25, 2010 | Unregistered Commentergerovital romania

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