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In Search of Riley

Since Riley's death earlier this summer, the question I'm most often asked is "How is Jake?" And since June, my answer has been, "He's still looking for him." Jake would spend the better part of every night in search of Riley. Upstairs, downstairs, inside, outside...it was exhausting for those of us letting him in and out—especially at 3:00 in the morning, but we obliged because we understood his pain. His loss was our loss. Only difference was that we couldn't explain to Jake where Riley had gone. Why his brother had suddenly disappeared from his world. So, this morning when Jake passed somewhat unexpectedly, our only solace was in thinking that perhaps he finally understood where Riley had gone; because he was there too and they were together again.

As most of you know, Jake suffered from a heart tumor. We knew he wouldn't live the duration of his years, but losing him just two months after Riley has been extremely difficult. Jake had a baby face, so it was hard to think of him as old. To us, he always looked like a puppy and acted like one too. And, after recently dropping 30 pounds, he seemed to be at the top of his game. Unfortunately, this weekend his breathing became labored and his kidneys began to shut down. At 4 A.M. the situation seemed dire, so John rushed him to the emergency animal clinic in Poughkeepsie. While they were running tests, John left for a bit to shower and regroup. At 7 A.M. they called to say that Jake had less than an hour and we should return. We grabbed the kids and made it there just in time to see Jake take his last breaths.

We have spent the day reminiscing about bringing Jake home in December of 2001 and all that happened after. We laughed about how Riley started out entirely offended by this rambunctious brindle puppy and ended up being his best friend and protector. How, the boys used Jake as a stool to sit on while they colored at the coffee table. How, Jake would greet us at the top of steps every single day with a gift. The gift was anything he could find on the fly (i.e. water bottle, tennis ball, matchbox car, dirty sock, etc.) that would fit in his mouth. He'd follow you around with that day's gift until you gratefully took it out of his mouth. We recalled how listening to Jake breathe from across the room was as comforting as a lullaby.

It's hard to believe that we are a dogless family for the first time in 10 years! No dog beds to trip over, no slobber on the walls, no fur balls under the beds, no half-eaten treats underfoot...the house has never felt emptier.

Goodnight, Riley & Jake. We are hopeful that you are lying side by side in heaven tonight. Our home and hearts will never be the same. Sleep well and know that we love you always!


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Reader Comments (6)

i am so sad for the passing of jake. but you are right about jake finally finding riley and being together again ... and in one of the happiest places, no less. take comfort in knowing that you loved them so much, they are your family, and they knew that with every part of their being. hugs and love to you all!

August 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertraci

I cannot imagine going through this agony TWICE in two months...

I loved his tongue! Glad he has in out in most of the pics you posted. :) And yet I'm sitting here sobbing as I read this. You guys are in my thoughts. Hang in there.

August 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercarrie

Glad I got to see him when we dumped our sand on you -- literally. But, I did notice he looked and acted as if he were wandering without purpose. Poor guy. I feel for all of you. Surely, the two buddies are reunited now, though.

August 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpeter

My heart aches for all of you knowing all to well the deafening silence you are dealing with. I was shocked to hear this sad news. Please accept my heartfelt condolences and know that I am thinking and praying for all of you. What a sad summer this has been for your family. Again, I am so sorry for your pain.

God bless Jake and Riley! Love, Ida

August 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIda Parise

I was so sad to hear the news about Jake's passing. Having experienced the pain of losing a dear friend like your two great dogs were, I express my deep sympathy and understand your sorrow. What a wonderful thing to have had them for the years that you did. God knew just the right family that would care for them and love them as He does. I am sure that they rest together, free of pain, waiting for the day when you all will be back together again as a family. Until then, rest assured that they are in the best keeping of the Best Keeper - the Shepherd. Our prayers are with you as you suffer this great loss together. So glad that you have the Lord and each other as you go through this great sorrow together.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbob

I just logged onto my email for the first time in a week and am extremely sad to hear about Jake. I am extremely grateful for the loving opportunity you and John gave to Young Hearts when you allowed us to meet your wonderfully kind, gentle and excitable canine family members. I fell in love with them that day, as I have fallen in love with your children since. My hearts aches for you and i am keeping you close in my thoughts during this difficult time. Thank you for sharing your family (canine and otherwise) with me. It is a pleasure and honor to know you all.

August 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermiss danielle

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