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"Time for school, Wil!"

As I was tucking Wil in the night before his first day of school, he said, "Mommy, I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and have you say time for school, Wil!"  Since the moment he could speak, Wil's been talking about starting school. He couldn't wait to pick out his backpack, carefully choose his school supplies, step inside the bus, sit at his very own desk, raise his hand and do his homework for the first time. Part of his anticipation was of course because of his overwhelming desire to do anything and everything that Ty does first, but mostly it's because Wil was born to be a student.

Although I had tears in my eyes as the driver took him away in that big yellow bus, knowing that this is all he has ever wanted eased my mind. Unlike John, I was not a born student—I struggled every step of the way. I'm so thankful that Wil is more like Daddy than he is like Mommy. His innate love of learning and his inquisitive nature will make his school career a whole lot easier and most assuredly more enjoyable.

John and I are excited not only for how Wil's natural curiosity will unfold in the classroom, but more so in how it will unwrap the beauty and mystery of life.

Millions saw the apple fall, but only Newton asked why.  ~Bernard Baruch

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