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Rub-a-dub-dub, three boys in a tub!

And they said it wouldn't last! I received a lot of friendly warnings from well-meaning folks before adopting Shilo, but I felt strongly that my boys would thrive with a dog in the house. Well, a year and a half later, I am pleased to report, that Shilo has become an indispensable part of our family! My boys spend hours every day playing with and happily taking care of our amazing and spirited bulldog! I am proud to say, that my seemingly endless requests to feed, groom and walk Shilo are never met with groans or rolled-eyes. Shilo receives kisses when the boys leave for school each day and it's like "Christmas morning" when they are reunited each evening. Adopting Shilo has been an extremely rewarding experience. I am grateful for the many blessings in my life.

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