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The Masterpiece I Longed to Paint...

The boys returned home today from the Outer Banks. After a week apart, I actually had butterflies in my stomach when I saw them again! I couldn't take my eyes off of either one of their little faces for the rest of the afternoon. After a few hours, Ty smiled at me and insisted, "Why do you keep looking at me that way?"

I laughed and said: "You'll understand someday when you have children."

Ty: "That's too far away, tell me now."

Me: "You are just so beautiful. Like art." 

Ty: "Maybe you should take a picture of me then."

So I did.

 You are the poem I dreamed of writing.

The masterpiece I longed to paint.

You are the shining star I reached for

In my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled.

You are my child. Now with all things I am blessed.

-Author Unknown

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Reader Comments (2)

They look so grown up! We so enjoyed having them over the other day, they have blossomed into such amazingly wonderful boys. A total pleasure, standouts from the crowd for sure. We need to see those faces more often! :)

August 8, 2011 | Unregistered Commentertraci

the boys look like angels in these pictures. I saw them back in the summer when you posted...but now, after Maddox's birth, these pictures and the quote mean so much more to me! Crying once again over this site! <3 you Ang and boys!

November 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAunt Sam

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