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Wil's First Day of Preschool

Today was Wil's first day at preschool and as expected he LOVED it!  Wil—like his Uncle Joe—is a born student! We knew this from the start and continue to marvel at his thirst for learning. He is driven to understand the world around him, so much so that he often has a hard time falling asleep. He simply can't shut down his brain long enough to close his eyes. I watch him lay in bed at night counting the stripes on his blankets, reciting his ABC's or examining his fingers.  I've actually said to him, "Stop thinking and go to sleep!" 

Upon delivering Wil to his classroom, he needed no introduction; he jumped right in!  I suppose this is mainly due to him being familiar with big brother Ty's routine, but also because this boy was meant for school.  Miss Danielle, Wil's teacher, said he was a breath of fresh air!  Wil's asks tons of questions and invites the opportunity to learn something new at every turn—a teacher's dream I imagine!

I hope that Wil's love affair with learning will last a lifetime.  Maybe he'll bring it as far as Uncle Joe and become a surgeon!  In any event, I know he'll have fun getting to wherever he's going!

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