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Tattoo Momma!

Yup, in a highly unanticipated move this momma gotta tattoo!

Although, unexpected, I can assure you that I did not enter into the decision lightly or without plenty of forethought. Ever since I adopted my sons, I've been struggling for a way to express how the experience has changed me. Much of the writing I do in this blog has helped me to articulate the profound affect my boys have had on my life, but even my own words have not seemed like enough at times.

Mothers who give birth to their children usually have stretch marks, incision scars or their bodies have simply changed in some way. And although they might find their battle scars unsightly, they are symbolic of the lives they have brought into this world. Adoptive mothers have scars, too, but they wear them on their hearts. And, although I have my fair share of those, I am an artist who is very visual. For me, seeing is believing or in this case, remembering.

The intertwined "heart & triangle" are the international symbol for adoption. The "heart" represents the love that must be present for an adoption to take place and the three points of the "triangle" represent the birth parents; the adoptive parents and the adopted children. I added the "butterfly" as a way of honoring my boys' birth mother, Amy. I think of her as a free spirit, who gracefully floated into our lives, leaving behind two little miracles. Without Amy, I would never have had the opportunity to become a mother and for this I am eternally grateful. I hope in some small way, this gives her an idea of how much she is a part of me.

[Special thanks...To my friend Megan Gibson for the moral support during my appointment and for the margaritas afterwards!  Tattoos hurt—don't let anyone tell you different!  To my friend Deanna Ryan who took the photo of the tattoo with Ty's hands on each side. And, to my friend Carrie Schaetzke who helped me bring my concept to fruition in Adobe Illustrator. The tattoo was inked by Michele Myles of Daredevil Tattoo, New York City, New York.]

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