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The Big City!

My job has brought me to New York City more often than usual in the last few months. Each time I'd go, Ty would ask what it's like in the "big city" and if he could come with me.  So, after several months of him asking I finally found a light day to bring him along. We had so much fun! 

All of the things that I normally find routine were suddenly infused with childlike excitement and curiosity.  From the train ride, to the cab, to the sidewalk hot dog—everything held new meaning.  Seeing the city through Ty's eyes was an unexpected and wonderful experience for me. 

Most exciting of all though was our (2 hour) stop at FAO Schwarz.  Ty was in utter amazement at the size of the store and the endless aisles of toys.  His jaw dropped when we came upon the truck section.  He knew he was being treated to a new toy and spotted his pick immediately.  It was the New York City garbage truck pictured below—a bargain at $55.00!  We (I) carried that enormous red bag throughout the streets of NYC for the rest of the day.  I can't say it was the best part of my day (especially when it started to pour 10 blocks from Grand Central with no cabs in sight!), but the happiness in Ty's heart was worth every grueling step!

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