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Demolition Crew

No wonder our boys think that every day with Daddy is an adventure! Today they woke up (as you can see they are still in pajamas), were handed REAL hammers and told to knock down a wall in our playroom! John (as he often does) decided that our playroom needed updating, so without notice he and the boys jumped in! After a long day of demolition, the boys were both in bed by 7:00 pm—that's early for my night owls!  I wish I could find a wall for them to knock down every day! More pictures to come after the renovations are complete, but with a top-notch crew like this on the scene, I'm assured the highest quality workmanship!

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Reader Comments (1)

ha-ha! so cute, love it! do they hire out? :)

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTraci

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