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Passionate About Purple!

It's no secret that Wil's favorite color is purple! From lollipops to crayons, purple is always his first choice.  He's simply passionate about purple!  Right before Christmas he decided that he needed purple underwear.  Knowing that Mema will go to the ends of the earth for him, he submitted his request to her.  It came as no surprise that boys underwear was not readily available in purple, but not wanting to disappoint Wil, she purchased white underwear and a box of dye and went to work.  The result was a one-of-a-kind pair of perfectly purple underoos for my perfectly passionate one-of-a-kind boy! 

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    Adventures in Boyhood - Journal - Passionate About Purple!
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    Adventures in Boyhood - Journal - Passionate About Purple!

Reader Comments (1)

Wil!! My favorite color is purple too!! u SHould come see my room!!! you would LOVEEEEE it!!!!! miss you guys!! talk to you soon hopefully!!! <3

November 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAudrey Harper

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