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Best Christmas Yet!

At every age and every stage, I think to myself it can't get any better than this! And, then it does! It took me a while to figure it out, but I now realize that whatever age my boys are at is my favorite.  And, this winter has been no exception.  Ty and Wil, at ages four and three respectively, have enjoyed all the wonder that winter and the Christmas season brings. From the early snowfall to the expectation of Santa Claus, their joy has brightened each and every day. 

I think the thing I love most is that they are beginning to have an expectation as to what comes next. On the way home from trick or treating at the Meyer's on October 31st, I remember Wil asking, "So, what's next?" and Ty answering, "Thanksgiving.  Right, Mommy?"  And, a few days before Thanksgiving, they asked how many days till Santa Claus comes?  When can we go sleigh riding?  The following week, as we were on our way home from getting the Christmas tree Ty pointed out that everyone else in our neighborhood had their Christmas lights up except for us.  And, Wil chimed in with the fact that we hadn't yet written letters to Santa.  They don't miss a trick!

In fact, our children have a big hand in creating the traditions we celebrate as a family.  They add life to the traditions of the past, but they discover new ones for themselves.  I remember last year, Ty asked for a Gingerbread House Decorating Kit that we saw while shopping one day. I bought it, we had a blast decorating it and presto a tradition was born!  It takes a lot of pressure off me knowing that we're in this together; that we can make it up as we go!

Christmas has now come and gone and we'll soon be packing up all of the expectations and traditions in a sturdy box and begin preparing for what's next...Ty's fifth birthday in February followed by Wil's fourth in April. I have a feeling I'm going to just love this next stage!!!

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Reader Comments (1)

Ang, love the updates, keep them coming! I see your photos are getting better & better! By the way I LOVE the picture of you on MOM page... so genuine, your eyes are speaking to the camera.... so you. I love it!

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeanna Ryan

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