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Saying Good-Bye to Great Grandma

On Monday, September 15, 2008 we sadly lost Great Grandma. Mary Fulton died at age 90 from natural causes in her own home.  She was the last of the Great Grandparents to pass, but the only one that my boys are likely to remember because of their young age.  

Great Grandma was an amazing lady by anyone's account.  She was a soft-spoken, gentle and graceful soul who we were all sad to see leave the earth, but knowing the beautiful, long life she lived made her passing a little easier. 

Ty and Wil attended the services for Great Grandma, and much to my own surprise they took it all in stride.  They were appropriately sad, but their grief was  offset by their curiosity over the new experience.  The questions were unending, but John and I were able to answer most of them with confidence.  Keeping it simple and heartfelt was our strategy. 

This is a picture of Great Grandma with her only son and three grandsons surrounding her.  Expecting that this would most likely be her last time joining us on the family vacation, moments before we departed the beach house we all gathered in the family room to honor her as a family. We sang happy birthday (she'd be celebrating her 90th a few weeks later), we held hands and prayed over her.  It was a special moment in that it offered peace and closure for even the littlest members of our family. 

Ty and Wil still ask frequently about Great Grandma.  They ask if we think she's happy in heaven and if she misses them.  Since I know both are true, I always answer with a resounding YES!  During Great Grandma's last years she made and gifted each child, grandchild and great grandchild with a crocheted afghan.  Ty's blanket has blue stripes and lies neatly at the base of his bed.  After we buried Grandma the weather turned cooler and I was able to start covering him up with the thick afghan.  As I tuck him in, I always remind him that this is Great Grandma's way of watching over him.  As he closes his eyes peacefully I can see how comforted he is by her continued presence in his life.

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