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Giving the Backyard Some Overdue Love

For the past few summers, our weekends have been structured around Brooks' lake house - a readymade weekend getaway all our own.  So, after it burned to the ground this winter, we realized - among other things - that we'd need to find a new playground for our summertime chill'axin' (stole that one from the boys) while Brooks rebuilt his dwelling. Turns out, we need not look any further than our own backyard! An blow-up pool, a fire pit, a couple of lounge chairs and voila - an oasis for the long hot summer days!

Although I hate to admit it (because it sounds so boring), I really am a homebody at heart - and by the way, so are my kids. We love being home - always have, always will! So, even though we hope to be back at the lake house come summer 2014, I'm so glad we invested some time and effort into our otherwise neglected backyard. S'mores, anyone?


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Reader Comments (1)

How lucky Wil & Ty are to have each other, also to have the Mom they have. Have Fun this summer!

July 13, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAunt Razberry

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