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What a find!

We love living in the heart of our town. We can walk to the park, the bank, the pharmacy, the pizza parlor, the bakery, and the best part is that we actually do! Among our favorite neighborhood spots is the Hopewell Antique Center. This iconic Hopewell landmark has five floors of treasures and is only a stones throw from our front door. The boys and I have a ball exploring and discovering the priceless (and not so priceless) gems in every corner. On a recent scavenger hunt we spotted our best find yet — this fire engine red soapbox derby car! While I am sure the novelty will wear off, this car has already paid for itself in smiles! 

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Reader Comments (2)

Haven't had the pleasure of seeing it being driven, but was assured by Ty and Wil, " Mema, it's perfectely safe, it has a steering wheel and a brake." (Their own words) Your right boysI do feel better. Enjoy, as I'm sure you will. Love You Both

October 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMema

Looks like they are having an awesome time. That's how we did it as kids. No video games but lots of fun in the sun!

October 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

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