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Life of Riley

Sadly, we had to lay Riley to rest this morning. He had been slowing down for months, but simply unraveled over the last five days. Aside from not eating or drinking or even being able to stand, he was just not himself. Early this morning, we all said our weepy good byes and then placed him in the truck. This is a picture of the boys petting Riley for the last time. Before leaving for school, they explained to him a bit about heaven and who would take care of him there. Hope Great Grandma wanted a dog!

At Hudson Highlands, Dr. Spacarelli met us at the car and took great care to walk us through our difficult decision. He and the entire staff have always been extremely compassionate to our family, but this morning, when it couldn't have counted more, they showed us the greatest of comfort, assurance and understanding. We spent sometime alone with Riley, saying our final good byes.  When it was time, John and I wrapped our arms around Riley until he passed. It was deeply sad.

We left the vet heartbroken and have spent the morning crying and remembering, but taking great solace in the wonderful life that we provided for Riley and the unconditional love he showed all of us. Riley was my first dog. I credit him with teaching me many things about life, here are just a few examples...

To be a mom...Yup, this pup gave me the A to Zs on motherhood long before Ty and Wil came into our lives! From cleaning up "accidents" to midnight feedings to baths—Riley taught me how to care for someone who can't care for themselves.

To be more laid back...In the early days, I would literally follow Riley around with a dishrag over my shoulder, wiping the long strings of drool that hung from his jowls. I was determined to keep the house tidy even with a slobbering, shedding dog amongst us. After a few years of that insanity, I finally gave up or should I say, gave in. Riley taught this Type-A girl the beauty of a lived-in house.

To sleep on 6 inches of mattress...Fine, we admit it! Riley (our once 180 lbs English Mastiff) slept between John and I for the first two years of us his life! Sure, it was ridiculously uncomfortable; and we went through 5 or 6 comforters; and our sheets were embarrassingly dirty, but we wouldn't have had it any other way. For me and John, listening to Riley breathe was hypnotic. Rest assured, Riley eventually got moved into his own room (yes, really) and further downgraded to a 6 foot dog bed (unfair, I know) once the kids came along.

To take joy in another's comfort...Nothing made us happier than to see Riley rolling around in the sunshine in our backyard or running after a ball at the park with his jowls flapping in the wind! As with all dogs, his happiness came from the simple things. Guess, the only difference with Riley is that due to his seemingly endless health issues (bad hips and knees and multiple surgeries), we were grateful for the healthy, happy days in between.

I could go on, but then you might stop reading, so I'll end with this...Riley was a gentle old soul from the day he was born till the day he died. We thank all of you who loved and appreciated him. He was a good dog indeed.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.



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Reader Comments (5)

Angela ~

What a huge loss for you and your family. And how wise you were to take that final picture of the boys with Riley. You have a beautiful gift for writing, and I hope that expressing your deep loss on paper will help you as you grieve.

Praying for you all ~ Linda

June 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLinda Stoll

I know it was hard but it truley was the best option. You know how much I love the family and Riley and Jake have ALWAYS been a part of that. If you ever need someone to lean on about this you know I am hear and understand!

With love and sympathy

June 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenn

Hello dear Fulton family,

Lee and I certainly know how much your hearts are aching as we have been in this position so many times. It never gets easy and I guess that is a good thing. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Lee asked to be sure I let you know how saddened he was by this news. Your hearts will mend but they will never be the same. Our sweet pets leave their precious paw prints on our hearts.

With deepest sympathy, Ida and Lee

June 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIda Parise

i had just sent you an e-mail and ran down to get brendan off to soccer practice before i came back up to read your blog entry. i was feeling sad when i read the news in your e-mail but your post has now got me sobbing uncontrollably. we don't have pets but there is no doubt that riley was a member of your family and i just cannot imagine watching the kids say goodbye to him, or having to say goodbye yourselves. i'm sure that was so tough and surely your heart is breaking. please keep me posted on how you are all doing and i would really love to see you now more than ever.

love and hugs.

June 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertraci

Hi John and Ang and boys,

We express our deep sorrow over your great loss. We are just now healing after having to do the same thing with one of our beloved dogs. Interesting how they work their way into our lives - trusting us, loving us, taking care of us in ways that only they can do. We offer our sympathy and love as you go through the loss and think about how gracious you have been to Riley to allow him to go and be relieved from his pain. Graciousness hurts some times! May you receive God's love and peace as He comforts you in these tough days.

June 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBob

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