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The Pop-Shop!

After several barbershop visits ending in tears, Pop bought a pair of clippers and opened for business!  His only two clients are Ty and Wil, but they keep him plenty busy!  The boys still shed a few tears, mainly at the end when they are getting tired, but overall it's an event that everyone looks forward to.  Each haircut comes with a complimentary bath from Grandma and a homemade cookie!  The boys tip well with hugs and kisses and the all important high-five.  Pop probably won't get rich with his little side business, but I imagine it makes him feel like a million bucks being able to make childhood memories trimming these little noggins!

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Reader Comments (1)

your kids' lives are so full! what blessings. :)

January 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTraci

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