
Our first broken bone!

And the honors go to Wil! During a highstakes basketball game with daddy, Becky, Ty and Seamus yesterday, Wil tripped as he endeavored to regain command of the ball. Unfortunately, an attempt to break his fall resulted in him breaking his left forearm in two places. Everyone could see and hear the severity of the break, so an ambulance was called and Wil was escorted to Westchester Medical Center.

As expected, Wil was a total trouper throughout the painful experience. Hardly any tears were shed — at least not by him! Us adults held it together pretty well, but Ty and Seamus unraveled at the sight of their brother in such a compromised state. All of the doctors and nurses commented on Wil's calm demeanor; after a while calling him "Chill Wil."  After his arm was reset and wrapped in a cast, we headed home where Wil rested comfortably.

Today Wil is in a moderate amount of pain, but he is back to his talkative self and fast realizing that the cast he wears is a badge of honor. 


To Every Season There's a Reason

I love living in New England and having the opportunity to experience the change of seasons. As the boys began their summer break two short months ago, I remember saying (like I do every year) how I wished it could last forever. That's how I feel at the start of every season, and then like the trees, all at once, I'm ready. Ready for the renewal and the excitement that surrounds those things that belong soley to the season at hand. So for the time being I'm over s'mores and sand castles and on to pumpkins and Halloween costumes. And after that the first snow and Christmas carols. Finding joy in every moment ... the boys aren't the only ones being schooled!

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. 
   (Ecclesiastes 3)


Ty's 9.5 Birthday!

This year our February-baby decided to patiently wait until his half-birthday to celebrate with a pool party! Good things come to those who wait! 


A Star is Born

At Theater Camp this summer, Ty wrote and starred in his first play. It was less than three minutes long, but Ty's desire to be on the stage was palpable. So excited to see where this new journey will take him.

The Screenplay:


A Video of the Play:

Space Exploration by Ty Fulton from Angela Fulton on Vimeo.



I'm sensing a trend.


Giving the Backyard Some Overdue Love

For the past few summers, our weekends have been structured around Brooks' lake house - a readymade weekend getaway all our own.  So, after it burned to the ground this winter, we realized - among other things - that we'd need to find a new playground for our summertime chill'axin' (stole that one from the boys) while Brooks rebuilt his dwelling. Turns out, we need not look any further than our own backyard! An blow-up pool, a fire pit, a couple of lounge chairs and voila - an oasis for the long hot summer days!

Although I hate to admit it (because it sounds so boring), I really am a homebody at heart - and by the way, so are my kids. We love being home - always have, always will! So, even though we hope to be back at the lake house come summer 2014, I'm so glad we invested some time and effort into our otherwise neglected backyard. S'mores, anyone?



From Unsure to Unstoppable in 10 Short Months!

Another year under their little belts! As I look as these photos I am in awe at how much their faces have changed - older, wiser, more confident. They are turning into little people right before my eyes. If I could freeze any moment in time, it would be this moment - Wil at age 8 and Ty at age 9. Oh, wait - I think I said that last year ... and the year before. When will I learn? Apparently, whatever age they are - at any given moment - will always be my favorite.


A+ for a Titanic Effort!

Ty and I have had a blast taking on his many, many book reports this year. While Amelia Earhart was fun, our piece de resistance was easily his Titanic project below! Ty has always been enamoured by all things Titanic and wanted to bring this historical event to life for his classmates. We came up with the idea of poking white Christmas lights though the front of the poster to show how the lights shone on the water as the Titanic sank.

Ty was beaming when he arrived home from school after giving his oral presentation. Apparently, the lights were a crowd pleaser! Mrs. Cerrone raved about Ty's knowledge of the subject and his creativity. There is no doubt that third grade has been a challenge for Ty, but we are so proud of him and the titanic strides he has made!


Mother's Day 2013

I feel so loved by my boys. They say stuff like this to me every morning and night, but seeing it in writing swells my heart. This a note from Ty given to me on Mother's Day of this year ...


Wil's Rainy Birthday

When life gives you lemons, make snowcones, have umbrella races and dance in the rain! Only two friends could make the party, but Wil's brothers, Ty and Seamus and little cousin, Maddox came to the rescue! We had a great day hanging out in Daddy and Becky's garage, eating tons of junk food and making snowcones - a lot of snowcones! John and I wanted to cry when no one showed up, but it turned out to be a character building experience — more so for us, than Wil. We are no longer afraid of a little rain and a lot of no shows. Party on!


Ready to Receive!

Last night, Ty and Wil received communion for the first time at the Holy Thursday Service at Hopewell Reformed Church. It was a wonderful experience with our beloved Pastors guiding us and telling the story of the last supper. The evening was made all the more special by the fact that Ty and Wil's cousins — Connor, Taylor and Paige — traveled all the way from North Carolina to share in the celebration.



Friendship Starts Here

Wil set up a lookout tower from his bedroom window 45 minutes before Jordan’s family arrived to pick him up.  Jordan is Wil's best buddy and the kind of friend — that as a parent — I hope he has for a lifetime.  A few weekends ago, Wil and Jordan were finally granted their first sleepover. Jordan’s mom and dad hosted the evening and ensured that the boys had everything to make this modern ritual of childhood all it could be. From ice cream with sprinkles to a pillow fight to a midnight movie — Wil and Jordan were treated to a night to remember.  

I love this tiny twosome and wish them years of friendship!

If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl. But, if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights.

-Colin Powell


So, this is nine.

When my boys were babies, I remember thinking this is my favorite stage. From the chubby cheeks to the diaper bag to the bottles — I loved every minute of it! So much so, that I actually dreaded the thought of being the mother of full-fledged, older kids. I had no desire to be a soccer mom or a chauffer; I loved the simplicity and compactness of the mother-baby relationship.

Silly, I know now.

But, at the time it seemed that everything I loved about motherhood was trapped in the eyes of my tiny tots. I thought as they grew taller, they would need me less. Hug me less. Talk to me less. But, as I sat next to my full-fledged kid at his birthday breakfast this morning, I laughed at how wrong my thinking had been. Here we are — on the verge of double-digits — and Ty is still holding my hand, whispering I love you and bedazzling me with his big brown eyes. I thought to myself — so, this is nine. Very cool.

Okay, so I'm not fooling myself into thinking that we will not have a few road bumps through the tweens and teens, but what I do know is that being Ty and Wil's mom only gets better with the passing of time. Yes, it's different, but it's good different. We have a history now. We share a lifetime of memories that makes us deeply connected. We have the same sense of humor, as strange as it is sometimes. We show respect, kindness and compassion in the same way. I love who they've become and I am so excited to help them achieve their hopes and dreams — which in an unexpected turn of events — have become my hopes and dreams. 

Happy birthday, Ty! Baby or not, you will have my whole heart for my whole life. Love, Mom (formerly Mommy)

"I didn't give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift of you."




Eating, Breathing and Sleeping His Future

At just 7-years-old, Wil is completely and totally obsessed with the University of Notre Dame. His favorite movie is Rudy, he watches old Notre Dame football games on You Tube and goes wild for anything with the Fighting Irish logo. Wil has his heart and mind set on attending Notre Dame (his Uncle Joe's alma mater). We love his passion for the game and his enthusiasm for this school. Although I have no idea how we'll pay for it, I hope his dreams come true! 

After a week filled with doctor's appointments and testing, we gifted Wil his first Notre Dame cap for being such a trouper. As you can see, he slept in.


Jeepers creepers, where did you get those peepers!

After a lot of eye rubbing at homework time, we took Ty to see the eye doctor.  Turns out, our beautiful, brown-eyed boy needs glasses for reading. Just when I thought he couldn't get more handsome!


Off to a solid start!


What a find!

We love living in the heart of our town. We can walk to the park, the bank, the pharmacy, the pizza parlor, the bakery, and the best part is that we actually do! Among our favorite neighborhood spots is the Hopewell Antique Center. This iconic Hopewell landmark has five floors of treasures and is only a stones throw from our front door. The boys and I have a ball exploring and discovering the priceless (and not so priceless) gems in every corner. On a recent scavenger hunt we spotted our best find yet — this fire engine red soapbox derby car! While I am sure the novelty will wear off, this car has already paid for itself in smiles! 


When I look into the future, it's so bright it burns my eyes.


Goodbye, summer 2012. Hello, 2nd & 3rd grade!


The Three Musketeers!

This year the boys and I departed from our usual Jersey Shore vacation and took a cruise to Canada. It was exciting and terrifying all at the same time. I know Canada is not exactly a far away land, but when you are traveling with your life in tow (and no one else to rely on) your role as parent and protector takes on new meaning. I brought enough medicine to treat a small village and checked every hour, on the hour to make sure I hadn't lost our passports. Despite my anxiety, we quickly settled in and had the time of our lives.

While eating in the fancy dining room one night we decided we should give our adventurous threesome a name. We talked about famous threesomes we knew of ... the three blind mice; the three little pigs; the three stooges; the three kings. We laughed about each one since they all applied at different times during our week at sea, but in the end we settled on: The Three Musketeers.

And now gentlemen, all for one, one for all - that is our motto, is it not?
― Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers