Our first broken bone!
Sunday, September 15, 2013 at 10:06AM

And the honors go to Wil! During a highstakes basketball game with daddy, Becky, Ty and Seamus yesterday, Wil tripped as he endeavored to regain command of the ball. Unfortunately, an attempt to break his fall resulted in him breaking his left forearm in two places. Everyone could see and hear the severity of the break, so an ambulance was called and Wil was escorted to Westchester Medical Center.

As expected, Wil was a total trouper throughout the painful experience. Hardly any tears were shed — at least not by him! Us adults held it together pretty well, but Ty and Seamus unraveled at the sight of their brother in such a compromised state. All of the doctors and nurses commented on Wil's calm demeanor; after a while calling him "Chill Wil."  After his arm was reset and wrapped in a cast, we headed home where Wil rested comfortably.

Today Wil is in a moderate amount of pain, but he is back to his talkative self and fast realizing that the cast he wears is a badge of honor. 

Article originally appeared on Adventures in Boyhood (http://www.adventuresinboyhood.net/).
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