Introducing Shilo!
Sunday, February 13, 2011 at 02:42PM

We are proud to introduce you to our newest addition to the family, Shilo Hiccup Fulton! Shilo is a 3 month old, male, English Bulldog. He came to us from a wonderful breeder in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania who we found through the MidAtlantic Bulldog Rescue. Not that it matters to us, but apparently Shilo's dad is a "Best-in-Breed" Show Dog, so la-dee-dah! As impressive as that is, what mostly matters is that his parents are strong, thriving purebred bullies; which means that Shilo's got a great chance of living a long, healthy life himself. It was love at first sight for all of us and we look forward to making many happy memories with our new addition! Thanks to Peter, Traci, Brendan & Kyra, my fairy Godchild, for being Shilo's first visitors! And, for Traci bringing her camera! I love my talented friends!  Traci Meyer Photography

Article originally appeared on Adventures in Boyhood (
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