The Little Man Turns FIVE!
Monday, May 3, 2010 at 12:27PM

Birthdays come and go, but every few years or so one comes along that makes us sit up and take notice. For me, the 5th birthday of Wil—the baby of our family—is one of particular significance. It marks the end of an era—not only for him, but for us as his family. And, although it's sad to officially wave good-bye to his baby and toddler-hood, it's amazing to watch him grow into an opinionated, interested, active participant in his own life.

Someone once told me that whichever age your child is at at that moment will be your favorite age; and Wil at age five is no exception! Wil has a heart of gold and I'm not saying that just because I'm his Mom! Ask anyone! The only thing that gets Wil in a bad mood is an itchy tag in his tee shirt or a faulty seam in his sock. Other than that, Wil is an even-tempered, inquisitive, joyful little boy. His big blue eyes brighten the face of anyone who looks his way and his generous heart is something to behold. He is patient, focused and discerning to a fault. 

However, Wil's most endearing quality at age five is his ability to recollect a moment in time with exceptional and uncanny detail.  Although it can take hours for him to find just the right words (i.e. "It hurt just medium, Dad.") to explain the situation, you can be sure this kid tells it like it is! Hopefully, Wil's necessity for precision will serve him (and the rest of the world) well if his desire to become a "welder man" (a.k.a. weatherman) comes to fruition.

Happy birthday, little man!  We love you!

[Click here to see Wil's Invitation.]

Article originally appeared on Adventures in Boyhood (
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