Zero to Five in the Blink of an Eye!
Monday, February 23, 2009 at 07:42PM

Hard to believe that Ty just turned five, but here's the proof! Of course, he still has the same big brown eyes, same delicious dimple and same vibrant smile. Same infectious laugh, pitiful pout and steaming temper.  And best of all, the same wonderful sense of humor. He may be young, but Ty has already carved out his niche in our family—the role of entertainer.  Ty knows how to make people laugh; especially those closest to him.  Whether he's telling a story or a joke, acting out a favorite movie scene, break-dancing or belting out a song—Ty knows how to bring a smile to our faces. 

Ty will be starting school this September and I can almost hear the teacher calling to ask for our first parent-teacher conference.  Class clown, perhaps?  Come what may, he's the apple of our eye and we couldn't be more proud of our triple threat!

Thank you, Ty, for making me belly laugh every day. You are pure joy and I love you!  Happy birthday!


Article originally appeared on Adventures in Boyhood (
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