Outer Banks Vacation 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008 at 04:44PM

We wearily returned home from the Outer Banks of North Carolina at 4:00 this morning.  Even after a nine hour drive—too and from—we were disappointed at the realization that this year's vacation was once again behind us. 

Anyone who knows me knows that I hate this drive (even if I do sleep the entire time while my dutiful husband does all of the work), and yet it's been the highlight of every summer for the past eight years.  I guess you could say that like all vacations: it gives us the opportunity to spend quality time with our children and each other, and simply breathe in the fresh ocean air.  But for anyone who's been lucky enough to share in this week with us, you know that there's a little more to it than just that. 

The week has been described by John's parents as heaven on earth.  And, although I can't tell you exactly why, I think it has something to do with chemistry.  This is a family who, in addition to loving each other, really likes each other.  Starting with the children, who range from three to eight years old, and play together famously; to the the brothers who truly appreciate and respect each other; to the sisters-in-laws who genuinely share a deep and meaningful friendship—there is nothing forced about this family coming together under one roof.  Understandably, my mother and father-in-law take great pride in the way that their children and grandchildren interact and love each other—so much so, that that they give this week to all of us as a Christmas gift year-after-year.  This year, we were joined by the Hess family (Terri's niece and her immediate family), rounding out our group at 19!

Summer 2008 brought a week of perfect weather, including a perfectly placed thunderstorm!  We spent our days on the beach and our afternoons in the pool.  Each family took turns making themed dinners, complete with signature drinks and specialty desserts.  There were several game nights (girls rule, boys drool), a karaoke and limbo contest and we even managed to fit in a movie night during which we consumed a one-gallon bowl of Joe's homemade guacamole. 

We spent our last moments together in a big circle, holding hands as we sang happy birthday to Great Grandma who will be turning 90 later this month; thanking God for a great week and finally praying for our safe return home.  As always, it was hard saying good-bye to everyone returning to their home states of North Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania and one TBD (Brian and Sam—our resident travelers), but we know for sure that we'll be together again next year.  Despite the drive, I can't wait!

Article originally appeared on Adventures in Boyhood (http://www.adventuresinboyhood.net/).
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